What matters most at Thomas Telford School is the quality of education available to the young people it serves. It naturally follows, therefore, that all who are able to improve this, such as teachers, students, parents, industrialists and community personnel, should be afforded the opportunity to contribute in a coordinated and effectively managed way. The Advisory Council is one the mechanisms in place which helps secure continued improvement.Additionally, the opportunity of involving members of the School and the wider community fits well with the ethos of the School. We will continue to develop these partnerships.Over recent years, the Advisory Council has helped in revising policies, e.g. Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), Equal Opportunities, etc. The revision of the Parents' Charter is a key feature in ensuring the continuing effectiveness of the School and the Advisory Council is of considerable help in recommending improvements and monitoring its effectiveness.The Advisory Council provides a forum for involving the wider community and the Headmaster coopts members of the local community to the Council to assist in its work
The Parents Advisory Council provides advice, information and support for the Headmaster and Governors. This assistance enables the School to implement the stated School aims and objectives effectively. The meetings take place each term.
February 2023
The current membership of the Parents’ Advisory Council has expired, therefore elections are to take place for parents to join the Council.
To be considered to join the Council, please complete the self-nomination form and return to bfrench@ttsonline.net. Alternatively, completed forms may be handed into the School Reception.Parents Advisory Council BriefParents Advisory Council Nomination Form
Messages for members of the Advisory Council can be forwarded via the School Reception.The Advisory Council has two sub groups which are open to all parents. The Social Development Committee organises fund raising events eg Summer Fayre and the Road Safety Group which aims to improve safety outside the School. If you would like to attend meetings of either or both of these sub groups, please contact the school at SBraddick@ttsonline.net