If you want to get into a good university, it’s essential that you stretch yourself beyond the school syllabus BEFORE you make your applications. Luckily, it’s never been easier or cheaper to do this: the internet is chock-full of free lectures, articles, university courses, blogs and so much more to interest you, inspire you, make you laugh- and get you thinking like a university student.
Not sure where to start?
The resources featured on this page cover a massive range of topics, so they’re a great place to get started if you're not yet sure where your interests lie or feel like finding something new. You can search by rough subject area (like 'Humanities') or by specific subjects (like 'History').
Udacity is one of the main providers of online courses- this one offers courses from beginners to advanced in Business, Computer Science, Design, Mathematics and Science. Udacity
Coursera is a gateway to free online courses from more than 80 of the world’s top universities. Coursera
Thinking Allowed
From organised crime in the UK to women in Russian prisons, from Mumbai slums to wine tasting, sociologist Laurie Taylor has something interesting to say about everything you’ve never thought about.Thinking Allowed
In Our Time
Every week, Melvyn Bragg is joined by academics to discuss the history of ideas from 'Angels' to 'Zero'. In Our Time
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
Bored? Fed up? In need of inspiration, or just a few laughs? Get yourself on to ted.com, an extraordinary collection of online talks on every conceivable topic. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
University of Oxford on ItunesU
Do you wish you were better at algebra or wonder why we should bother studying Shakespeare? The iTunes Store is Apple's online digital media store where music and films can be downloaded using the iTunes software. iTunes U is an area within the Store where an educational institution can provide its own collection of audio and visual material (such as lectures, talks and interviews). Unlike the music and films, this material can be downloaded free of charge. University of Oxford on ItunesU
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