The School is located close to Junction 5 of the M54. All roundabouts from the M54 signpost the School.
Telford Central Railway station is a short taxi ride but a long walk. Telford Bus Station is a short walk from the School.
Train details can be accessed here.
For those arriving at Birmingham International Airport, a free bus will take you to Birmingham International Train Station.
National Express booking service is here.
Traveling from the north: Follow the M6 south and exit at Junction 12. Follow the A5 west for approximately 1 mile. At the first roundabout take the first exit and follow the A449 south for approximately 5 miles and join the M54 westbound. Stay on the M54 for approximately 15 miles and exit at Junction 5.
Traveling from the south: Follow the M6 north and join the M54 at Junction 10A. Stay on the M54 for approximately 15 miles and exit at Junction 5.
The School is located close to junction 5 of the M54. All roundabouts from the M54 are signposted to the School. Telford Central Railway Station is a short taxi ride or 15 minute walk away.