

All students are required to register by 08.30. Registers are also taken by teachers during each lesson. If a student does not register or sign in late, and a reason for their absence has not been provided, then they will be recorded as being absent without authorisation and an explanation for this absence will be requested. We may contact parents of any student who is absent without our knowledge.

Signing In and Out

Students must sign in and out at Reception if they need to be out of school for any reason. To ensure that the register is correct, it is essential that all students sign in if they arrive after 08.30 am.

Illness and Student Absence

Parents should inform the school, as soon as possible on the first day of absence, but before 08.30am if a student will be absent due to illness. This should be done by contacting attendance via email

Medical and Dental Appointments

If a student has a pre-arranged medical or dental appointment, before the appointment an email must be sent to from the email address registered to the school by the parent/carer. Wherever possible, please try to schedule appointments outside the school day.

If a student’s attendance falls below 90%, they are defined by the Department of Education as ‘persistently absent’. At this level their progress and development may be significantly impaired. The case may be referred Telford and Wrekin Attendance Support team who will contact the family and offer to visit them at home to address any concerns and offer support.


Leave of Absence

In the unlikely event that a planned absence is required, the following system must be adhered to:

  1. Students should request a Leave of Absence form from Reception. Alternatively a standard Leave of Absence form can be downloaded from here and a Sporting Act Leave of Absence form can be downloaded from here. This should be completed and returned at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the requested absence. 
  2. Completed forms will be passed to the Headteacher or Personal Tutor (if appropriate) to authorise.
  3. A letter will be sent home with the decision of the request.

Information about unauthorised leave in term time from the local authority, as well as the LOA request form, can be downloaded below.

Please also refer to the information supplied by Telford & Wrekin Council.


As a school we are asked to inform you that, in line with the national framework for penalty notice’s, 10 sessions of unauthorised absence within 10 school rolling weeks may be subject to a Penalty Notice fine of £160 payable per parent, per child, which can be reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days, but only if it is the first Penalty Notice issued to you from 1st September 2024.  If this fine is not paid within 28 days this may lead to Court proceedings which could ultimately result in a criminal record and a fine of up to £2500 and/or an alternative sentence which can include up to three months imprisonment. 

If any unauthorised absence results in a second Penalty Notice issued to you within three years of the date of the first one, (from 1st September 2024) a flat rate of £160 will apply. A third Penalty Notice will not be issued within a three-year rolling period. Therefore, alternative action or legal measures will be utilised when the criteria of 10 sessions of unauthorised absences in a 10school week rolling period are met.