b'A Message fromthe HeadmasterOverthepastdecadeormore,Thomas Telford School has built up a reputation for outstanding GCSE results, making it one of the most successful comprehensive Schools in the country. In 2019, 97% of our Year 11 students completed Key Stage 4 with 5 or more 94 grades, including Mathematics and English. Further information about our GCSE achievements can be found on Page 8 of this prospectus together with details of the outstanding results in the Sixth Form. For several years now Thomas Telford School has been one HEADMASTER of the top performing comprehensive schools in the SIR KEVIN SATCHWELLcountry.It is, therefore, not surprising that many people ask me to provide reasons why Thomas Telford School is doing so well. Of course, there are many reasons but the main ones must relate to the good order within the School where bullying is not tolerated, there are very high levels of parental participation in supporting their children and there is an atmosphere where all students feel comfortable about being successful without the fear of others ridiculing them.EveryoneinvolvedwiththisSchoolknowswhatis expectedofthemandenjoysbeingpartofavery successful team. The staff work very hard indeed and gainmuchsatisfactionfromsupportingstudentsto succeed. It all seems worthwhile when the self esteem of our students is noticeably evident for all to see when they visit Thomas Telford School. MAIN SPONSORS:THE MERCERS COMPANY OF THE CITY OF LONDONTARMAC GROUP LTD'