b'Thomas Telford SchoolBusiness and Industry PartnershipsOne of the features which distinguishes Thomas TelfordSchool from other schools is the quality of the partnershipshared with industry. Employers make a major contributionto the design, delivery and assessment of the curriculum aswell as providing work placements for students. There is a rich diversity of contacts Key local business managers work with over 600 organisations in Telfordwith students and teachers.and Wolverhampton on our industry Students undertake a Careers and database. Activities Week to enable them to PROACTIVE PERSONNEL HAVE SUPPORTED US FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS BY HOSTING STUDENTS ON NUMEROUS WORK Local and national businessesdevelop employability skills.EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS, ADVERTISING VACANCIESsponsor Achievement Awards toAMONGST OUR STUDENTS AND PROVIDING MOCK INTERVIEWS.THE TEAM AT PROACTIVE STRIKE THAT DELICATEstudents whose work is worthy ofAll Sixth Form students have the BALANCE BETWEEN GIVING STUDENTS THE VALUABLE HONEST FEEDBACK THEY NEED, WHILST ALSO ENCOURAGING THEM TOcommendation. opportunity to spend up to two STAY MOTIVATED AND AIM HIGH.THEIR CONTINUEDweeks each year, either block or SUPPORT FOR THE SCHOOL IS HIGHLY VALUED, PREPARING STUDENTS TO SUCCEED AT INTERVIEW AND ENTER THE WORLD Students are regularly involved withpart time, with employers from the OF WORK WITH CONFIDENCE. project work for local companies.private and public sectors of PICTURED AT THE ACHIEVEMENT EVENING HENRIETTA GOODALL, MEMBER OF THE MERCERS COMPANY ARE KERRY Support is given to students to gainindustry, commerce and education.MCNEE (LEFT) AND SAMMY TAYLOR-BELL (CENTRE) WHO RECEIVED THE AWARD ON BEHALF OF PROACTIVE PERSONNEL. regular volunteering and/or work experience to enable them to make competitiveapplications for universitycourses.University Programme Promotion of residential summer schoolspreparation programme for high for students in Years 10, 11 and thepotential students including Open Sixth Form. Day visits, admissions testTrips to university master classes andpreparation and interview technique study days.guidance. Individual guidance from the Careers Access to extra nancial support for staff on course choice and back upUniversity education is also available plans. through the generous support ofSTAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY NURSING AND MIDWIFERY VISIT Visits to Higher Education fairs andThe Mercers Company bursaries.university open days.A Careers and Higher EducationOne to one help with UCASWeek in July to give students a head Personal Statements. start in the University applicationQuality control of every studentprocess with presentations from and application to University. visits to Universities as well as time to complete UCAS preparation. TheHigher Education nance informationweek also introduces students to evening for students and parents. employer-sponsored degrees, schoolOxford, Cambridge, Medicine,leaver programmes and Higher Level Dentistry and Veterinary applicationApprenticeships.ENGINEERING EDUCATION SCHEME WINNERSFOR MAHLE FILTERS SYSTEMS LTD13'